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November 4, 2022
2 Minute Read
Lighting News

Limited time increase in incentives for businesses through BC Hydro

BC Hydro recently announced a limited time 20% top up bonus incentives for Business Energy Saving Incentives (BESI) applications

Limited time increase in incentives for businesses through BC Hydro

Limited Time Bonus Incentives Available through BC Hydro's BESI Program

Great news for small & medium businesses looking to complete energy efficient upgrades in the New Year;

BC Hydro recently announced a 20% top-up bonus for Business Energy Saving Incentives (BESI) applications that are submitted between November 4, 2022 - January 16, 2023 for small and medium business customers.

The BESI program currently provides funding for energy efficient equipment upgrades for businesses, which include:

  • Lighting
  • HVAC
  • Refrigeration
  • Mechanical Technologies

Typical funding through this program covers up to 25% of the upfront costs (on average).

Now with the additional 20% top-up, you're looking at up to 45% funding for your energy efficient upgrade!


  • You must not be associated with a Key Account Manager
  • The 20% bonus will apply, and appear online, for eligible applications submitted to BC Hydro for pre-approval between November 4, 2022 and January 16, 2023
  • A project completion date on or before March 31, 2023 must be selected
  • Projects must be declared complete by March 31, 2023 to be eligible to receive the bonus incentive

Depending on the type of business you run, traditional lighting can make up a large portion of your operating costs. Switching to LED will provide long-term savings both in terms of annual costs and energy expenditure.

If you're exploring an LED retrofit in the near future and want to take advantage of these limited time incentives, our team can assist you through the application process to help you qualify for the maximum amount.
Reach out to our team today to learn more.

Planning a Lighting Retrofit in the New Year?

Our team can help you navigate the world of LED Incentives. Contact us to learn more!

Ready to get your EV Infrastructure up and running?

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