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February 6, 2023
3 Minute Read

New Developments in Hydrogen Power Cell Technology

New Breakthroughs in Hydrogen Power Cell Technology

New Developments in Hydrogen Power Cell Technology

Interest in hydrogen technology is increasing worldwide as a green energy alternative. This form of energy production has been considered in the pipeline (and arguably stuck there) for some time. However, recent advancements in hydrogen power cell technology have allowed for alternative applications of this energy. The future of hydrogen energy is looking brighter than ever before. 

What is hydrogen, and what are its benefits? 

  • Hydrogen is the third most abundant element on earth, next to oxygen and silicone. 
  • It has enormous potential as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels. When generated through electrolysis, it is entirely carbon neutral and produces no toxic byproducts. 
  • It contains more energy per unit of weight than fossil fuels, and unlike fossil fuels, it can be used directly as a fuel or to generate electricity.

How is hydrogen stored?

Hydrogen is stored in fuel cells and generates electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen. This process is called "Electrolysis." This technology is fast becoming one of the most promising products in the renewable energy space. 

So why aren't we running "full steam" ahead? 

  • Hydrogen fuel storage tanks must be designed to prevent a reaction from occurring, which means they have to be made of materials that don't react with hydrogen. These materials can be costly and make hydrogen power largely inaccessible.

What's changed: S. Korean Scientists develop new material that produces 20 times more hydrogen than traditional methods

  • Hydrogen fuel safety concerns also center around the fact that it is lighter than air and can build up in low areas of buildings or vehicles where people are not expecting it to be present.

What's changed: Hydrogen Safety: Let's Clear the Air

  • Hydrogen is stored through liquefaction over-compression, which means cooling it to below –240°C. This process requires a delta of energy that until recently loomed over the benefits of hydrogen as a renewable energy source.

What's changed: Hydrogen fuels might have just got a huge leg-upIn conclusion, when produced responsibly, hydrogen power is a safe and renewable energy source. It is not only safe to store and transport, but it is also a potent fuel that is viable in a variety of applications. We will be watching for further developments in hydrogen power and other alternative power sources. Stay tuned for the latest in the world of alternative energy.

In conclusion, when produced responsibly, hydrogen power is a safe and renewable energy source. It is not only safe to store and transport, but it is also a potent fuel that is viable in a variety of applications. We will be watching for further developments in hydrogen power and other alternative power sources. Stay tuned for the latest in the world of alternative energy.

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